From all the information I've searched in common, I want to create a system that will need participants interact with. At first I wanted to build a sensor can sense emotion, the idea came from the moon ring, however it seems impossible that determine one's emotion just by using a sensor. The moon ring's idea is based on measuring a person's body temperature, once the body's temperature changes also color changes. Then I also searched some information about the test emotion by skin elasticity, which turned out not quite different than what I am looking for.
So I decide to go simple,
build a motion sensor that can sense participants' movement
use Arduino board
motion sensor
usb cable
then connect arduino to the computer, so which ever motions it detect will be sending to computer
processing through max/msp/jitter, video display on screen.
for example, I can create a character (above) instead play participants images, so the motion sensor detects movements, it will trigger the character in the screen move; like when you looking at mirror, doing the same movements, but instead just using a character here to represent. Then combine with sounds for the movements.
In the researches about plants in exercise two, I focused on plants growth, which I think basically is plant's movement. In general, plants' growth has to do with lights. They react differently under different light sources, also in the different environment.
The above is a final look on screen after done all the precess. Every time has a sound then a electric line appears and disappears.
Then I did some more researches about plants that scientists found out sounds also will affect their movement/ growth.
The recent research shows that plant not only react to the sun, also react to the sounds. By playing though a loudspeaker, can hear the clicking sounds coming from roots. Scientist found out that plants communicate each other with that "clicking" sound.
When scientists test by using noise at 220Hz, plants attempt to grow towards sound source.
So my thought is
set up a loud speaker, play the "clicking" sounds towards the plants.
then build a motion sensor to record the plants movement data to see if they grow toward the sound source.
import data to max/msp, map out the growth map, can be cooperate with clicking sounds.